October 18, 2010

On a Clear Day

Now here's an independent film. This 2005 drama is set (and filmed) in Scotland and stars an ensemble cast of Scottish actors. The story focuses on a 55-year-old blue collar man who gets laid off after like thirty years of service. He's too old to start a new career but too young to just retire. On top of that, he's struggling with his marriage and has a very tarnished relationship with his only son. Suffice it to say, he's suddenly in the midst of more than just a mid-life crisis; he's at a complete crossroads with no sense of direction at all. One day, one of his friends makes a snide remark about swimming across the English Channel, and all of a sudden, the main character is like, "Oh hells yeah, I'm gonna do that." No one believes him or takes him seriously at first, but after several convincing montages, he's got the support of all his drinking buddies. There are several other side stories going on with said drinking buddies and some family members, but the goal to swim the Channel is clearly the main plot from start to finish. Do you want to know how it ends? Okay. Ready? He makes it across the Channel (after almost giving up when he was almost done but then persevering at the last inspirational minute, of course) and we are left to believe that this will fix his relationship with his wife and son in a more than just symbolic nature. There was really nothing special or out of the ordinary about this movie, but I guess it wasn't bad either. Still, of the two indie films I've just seen, I'd definitely recommend King of California over this one. Feel-good, sure, but totally unoriginal and ordinary.

1 comment:

  1. This movie sounds, and looks, boring as hell. I can't believe you watched the whole thing successfully. I suppose that's what makes you a better Back-Blogger than I.
