Not a spoiler alert. But a plot alert.
Season 2 wasn't bad but it wasn't good either. Season 3 brings FNL back to its glory days. We see some QB controversy. New guy, JD McCoy is slated to be the next big thing. His dad is bonkers though. Controversy ensues. The Riggins family has all sorts of story lines. Riggins and Lyla! Riggins and Lyla! Woot woo. (Side note: Minka Kelly was just named the sexiest woman alive by Esquire.) They are all cute and stuff. Lyla has some family drama going on this season though. Billy Riggins is dating Tyra's older stripper sister. That's pretty fun. Tyra has love life troubles and she is conflicted about life choices. Can she get into college. You'll find out when you watch! Also, Mrs. Coach is now Principal Taylor. What up with that! Honestly, there wasn't enough Matt in this season. He has some story lines revolving around his family members / future, but nothing too substantial. But I do love me some Riggins so it's ok. The cool things they did was give Smash and Jason Street a four episode arc each where they resolve their problems and conclude their story lines. That was nice and all.
Season 3 ends really cool. There's some major tension. There is a vote. And oh boy, are things gonna change in season 4. More to come!
What's up with THAT? What's up with THAT!? What's up with THAT!? WHAT'S UP with THAT!?
ReplyDeleteAre you making fun of me? I can't tell.