I have been trying hard to expand my backloggery curriculum. I so far have specialized in children’s literature, most specifically fantasy fiction, but I am slowly sneaking my way into more adult genres. This is actually my first ever attempt to read what I am assuming is a murder mystery novel. Usually things regarding murder and mystery are not my favorite form of entertainment but I actually quite enjoyed this book. I thought it had an ample amount of twists without being overly twist happy. I like that the book was both surprising and often easy to predict. Overall a very non offensive read, the book ultimately has what I can sum up as a mostly happy ending.
I will not, for the sake of my backloggers, ruin the plot of the book but a brief synopsis of it is that it is a book about a man who has been convicted of libel and has been sentenced to jail for this crime. The man, named Blomkvist, trying to uncover a piece of speculative journalism against a financial king pin named Wennerstrom committed a journalistic blunder by printing a piece that he couldn’t absolutely prove. As a result he finds himself alienated from Millennium, the magazine of which he was employed as an editor. A man named Vanger, takes this opportunity to hire Blomkvist for a job in which he is to write a family biography and more importantly try to find new evidence in the decades old missing persons case of his niece Harriet Vanger.
The book also deals with a girl who, as the title might suggest, has a dragon tattoo. The tattoo itself is of little or no significance but the girl most definitely plays a pivotal role in the story. A ninety pound, twenty something girl with a hacker’s knowledge of computers and a complete lack of society’s acceptance, Salander joins Blomkvist in uncovering evidence in a long since forgotten case.
An interesting and new read from me, stay tuned for the second and third books in the Millennium series.
I'm almost done with it! I had this problem where I would read it before bed every night and fall asleep because I thought it was boring. Last night I finally got to a break through and breezed through like a third of the book. I'm on board and now I really want to know what happened. More opinions in my blog post to come!