Gosh damn - has it really been over a year since I watched the first Rocky film? Time sure does fly. Anyway, Rocky II felt a whole lot like Rocky. The same storytelling structure was there both times around: down-on-his-luck everyman Rocky Balboa gets challenged to a fight by Apollo Creed, farts around for a while without taking himself or the fight seriously, and then receives some kind of motivating factor to give the fight everything he has. Then after some memorable and iconic training montages, Rocky goes out and has the fight of his career. But the whole thing just seemed to come together a little bit better this time around. The story felt more real, the stakes more high, and the acting more... better. Rocky just felt a bit too campy and low budget for me, even if it did win the "Best Picture" Oscar. Rocky II managed to deliver where its predecessor didn't, and for that, I consider it to be a better movie. Anyway, reviews for the third, fourth, and fifth installments are coming up as soon as I watch them. I don't yet own Rocky Balboa, but I'm sure if I like the rest of these movies even a little bit, I'll be buying it soon enough.
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