I know that this is a kids book but when I started in to it I was expecting more from it. I know this book has a very large following and has even been made in to a major motion picture so I started with very high hopes. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the hell out of this book, but I was expecting more plot and a slightly higher reading level. The problems in this book were solved almost as quickly as they appeared. It reminds me of something my little sister always says to me "there is no consequence in happy." I'm going to read the second book in the hopes that there is slightly more plot development.
Don't do it Webber. Don't get sucked in. One of my first contributions to the Back-Blog last summer/fall was five of the seven Narnia books. (I read the other two as a kid.) And I can assure you that this was one of the better ones. Prince Caspian was total shit. See here: