I don't hate logging at all! Steve just accused me of hating logging. How dare he! I am just not your conventional blogger. Jeezums.
This is the best of the three things I just blogged! Yay True Blood. Thoroughly entertaining and very well produced show. Seriously effin crazy though.
Spoiler Alert!
There are two major plot points of this season. One! A super old vampire gets "kidnapped" by mean people who think vampires are bad and sacrificing them is good. Meanwhile, Sooki's bro Jason is being seduced into this religious cult. End of this plot: Jason has sex with the religious head's wife, then the vampires revolt against the cult and win! Hoorah! Second plot, the completely messed up one. Ok, so apparently there is this thing called a maenad. It's a creepy immortal lady who feeds off humans strong emotions such as lust and anger. So she hypnotizes the whole town and orgies ensure. I'm serious. I could not watch this show around people because through 1/3 of it there was groups of sex or violent sex or butt sex or just general sex going on in every episode. Like wtf yo. Anywho, she gets the town all crazy. They try to sacrifice Sam (shape shifter woah!). Sooki is all like "we gotta save my former lover and kill the evil bitch". The devise a master plan and she turns into black goo. This season was so weird. But good!
Good news, werewolves are in the next season!
More blood orgies in the nest season too!