When I began this season I was very wary of the change in the Doctor. I had grown to appreciate the antics of Eccleston and I had no idea what David Tennant, who I mentioned is Barty Crouch Jr. in Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire. Within two episodes I realized why he was cast in both this series and in Harry Potter. Danielle puts it best when she said "Tennant can go from zero to crazy is no time flat." When you expect a normal person to cry Tennant laughs and vice versa. In dire situations he often has a huge smile on his face and he brings a childlike charisma to the character that I find downright refreshing. But I digress, this is not a panegyric to David Tennant but rather a post on Doctor Who Season 2, which is fun to say I may add. This season is better than the first, the producers mix the balance between past, present and future very well. Notable historical characters in this season include Queen Victoria, louis XV of France, Madam de Pompadour, and SATAN 666 THE BEAST!
My favorite episode of this season was special because it barely had The Doctor or Rose in it. The main character, who is in love with ELO (the band the Electric Light Orchestra), is a conspiracy theorist who is determined to find this man who keeps cropping up in history, The Doctor. I loved this episode because it is hilarious and because the love interest in this episode is the girl who played Moaning Myrtle in Harry Potter, confirming my suspicion that there are only a handful of British Actors and they must appear in as many different things as possible.
All in all this season was better than the first and I was glad that the Doctor changed forms. The season ends with a change in companion as the Doctor loses Rose but he does so in an amazingly expected plot twist so its not too upsetting. I look forward to finding out the replacement in season 3.
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