I watched another season of Big Bang Theory. Almost against my will. Steve was a total slave driver. He was all like "wah wah BBT starts on Thursday and we have to finish a whole season" and I was all like "booo you whore I can't watch that much BBT". And I meant it! Damn is this show hard to watch in bulk. Silly sitcoms with endearing humor have nothing more. Like plotlines. The plotline for BBT3 was Leonard and Penny are dating. And then Steve got sick of them, and he said "they need to break up". Then the next episode, they did! They got into a fight. He was all like "I love you" and she was all like "thank you". Drama ensued. Meanwhile, Sheldon was once again taking over the season. He is so awesome. He hasn't changed, but he's still awesome! And funny!
Anywho, back to me not being able to watch this much BBT. I did so well until the end where I exploded in frustrated anger and then fell asleep during the last two episodes. Officially, they were on in the background and I caught some of the things that happened, so I win! And it counts! Suck it!
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