Here we are, likely the last of
Mad Men seasons to be posted on the blog for a long time. While watching the previous season, fellow blogger Trev came over and watched an episode with me. After it was over, he asked incredulously if the show was really supposed to be any good. I wanted to say yes, but I couldn't argue with him- the episode he saw was pretty boring and not much happened for the entirety of season 2. Thankfully season 3 was much better, perhaps better than the first as well. Important plot points are everywhere- death, adultery, firings, a new baby. Hell, a guy who was going to become a higher-up at Sterling Coooper got his foot ripped to shreds in maybe the greatest moment the series has ever had. The season ends with something we knew would have to happen at some point- Betty learns of Don's secret past, prompting her to demand a divorce. The scenes between the two after she found out about this were gripping. It was pretty bizarre to see a man as cool and collected as Don Draper fumbling over words and dropping cigarettes, nervously trying to explain himself. The finale implies that the series is going in a completely new direction, and it has me interested. Hey, look at that, I don't even have to wait a week for it to start up. Good times.
It looks like everything is in place for the three of us to just slide Mad Men right into our otherwise shit-filled Sunday night TV lineup. Congrats on the completion, but don't stop now; there are so many more fantastic series coming up that deserve catching up on if you've got interest. Can you make it through four Dexter seasons by September 26th? Three Breaking Bad seasons by next March? However much of Parks you still haven't watched by the time NBC's stock of fall comedies turns out to be shit and they bring it back? Seasons 2-4 of FNL despite rumors that a fifth season is not happening?