As this book was very short so shall my post be. I thought this book was a wonderful tale of a man who goes from riches to rags and ends up somewhere in the middle. It is at face value a short tale of a man who has everything taken away from him while he maintains that all things that happen happen for the best possible reasons and he therefore maintains an optimistic outlook on life. Deeper down it is a story that mocks the philosophical argument that all is for the best. I read it mostly because I had it and I felt like I needed to post before I got yelled at.
Yeah, I totally loved this book. Makes me want to read other satires from the era, notably of course Gulliver's Travels. I liked the ending too. I forget exactly how it went, but if I'm not mistaken it more or less ended with Candide telling one of his optimistic friends, "just shut the fuck up already."