While browsing for games at Gamestop a few months ago I noticed an preview for an upcoming game that looked pretty awesome- Lost Planet 2. It turns out the game got pretty mediocre reviews, but at the time I saw the first installment in the series was a mere 10 bucks- chump change! I picked it up and finally got around to playing it a few days ago. It's a third person shooter that's pretty heavy on the story- I'd say cutscenes made up at least 30% of the gameplay. The story was passable, but nothing of note. The mostakes were readily apparent- some of the controls were clunky, the camera would periodically jump to a poor location, and the gun would sometimes auto-aim in the wrong direction. But these didn't keep me from having fun with it. The action was intense, with tons of well-designed aliens bearing down on protagonist Wayne at all times. A grappling hook provided the game with a few platforming sections but also came in handy during combat, allowing Wayne to get away from a group of enemies easily. The best thing Lost Planet had going for it was the boss fights- all eleven were tough but memorable and action-packed. So yeah, all in all the game was short and kinda mediocre, and it's anyone's guess as to whether I ever pick up the sequel. Oh, who am I kidding, I know I will.
Sounds like a very, very typical shooter. And sometimes, that's all you want from a game. (By the way, you made a spelling mostake. Ha!)