This season was damn good. I had to get through the first three season before July 25th, and with the rate I watch shows I figured it would take me right up to the deadline. Aided by a mini vacation in the Cape, I flew through the second and third seasons. The second season did not end with any huge revelation, so I wasn't sure how the third season would be, but I was happy. Th season focused on Sterling Cooper now part of a British firm, and their struggles. In addition, the season is heavily Don and Betty centric. And boy do they have problems! Don is still cheating on Betty (does this surprise you anymore?) and Betty started retaliating. The season ends AWESOME. It was one of my favorite season finales in a lot of the tv shows I have watched. I won't spoil it, but I am super excited to see how Draper and co. are doing (plus Joan!) when season four begins. Over and out.
I'm glad I got you and Sweeney (to an extent) into this show, because doing so has gotten me more excited for the July 25th premiere of Season 4. After all, a show shared is so much better than a show you enjoy on your own. Next - and trust me on this - y'all need to check out Breaking Bad.