March 4, 2014

Downton Abbey Season 4

Despite there being a lot of changes by the end of season 3, this season, more than any other, was uneventful. We spend a whole season with Mary ignoring her child and trying to help run Downton. Edith's story is worse. I dunno. It didn't lose anything that appealed to me, but this season just seemed to fill space. A lot of things were hinted at, but nothing actually happened. We've spent two seasons with Daisy liking Alfred and Alfred liking Ivy. How are we still on that? And why does Daisy talk about it being nice just to be noticed even though she spent the first season hating being noticed by William? Anyway, the one bright spot of this season was Paul Giamtti's valet. He was really annoying, but for some reason I just couldn't get enough of him. Whatever. Still not proud of this. I will still be watching come season 5. Or series 5. Whatever.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked Paul Giamatti in general in that season finale. Not just him and his character and his acting, but also the general disdain these proper British servants seemed to have for him. "He wants his tea WITH MILK. He puts ICE in EVERYTHING he drinks." Fucking American rube.
