March 31, 2014

12 Years a Slave

This movie tried so hard to be artistic. So, so hard. The story itself is such an intriguing one and the performances were great, but everything else about the movie annoyed the hell out of me. From the random shots that last way too long of people's faces as they stare off in the distance to the same goddamn shot of swampy waters to show the passage of time, I just can't understand why the movie was made the way it was. It was 133 minutes, but at least 20 minutes of it was spent on trying to make the film appear artsy. Sometimes I just want movies to focus on telling a compelling story. All this stupid shit took away from the story. Still, a story about a free man who was forced into slavery for 12 years is compelling as hell. This movie is worth a watch even though the filmmakers did everything they could to to detract from the overall experience. I honestly have no idea why this won the Oscar...

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