December 21, 2012

The Life of Pi

Before I get started, does anyone else take the time to make sure that the picture of whatever book they are posting matches the actual book they read? It's a question I have been meaning to ask.

Anyway, Dee and her little band of misfit friends have a book club that they refuse to let me join. Last I checked I was a better participant in reading the books than most of the members who are allowed to attend the meetings. Last week they had their impromptu book club meeting for The Life of Pi and I had to leave the room because I am not a member of their club and because I had already started reading Dee's copy and didn't want the ending spoiled for me.

This book was fantastic. It was one of those books that I picked up and mocked for being a huge hit assuming that it was stupid and that most readers are stupid. I was wrong. This book took a couple of pages to catch me but when it did I had a hard time putting it down. I read it in three sittings, several days apart, and even when I wasn't reading I was contemplating what was going to happen next. The bulk of the story takes place in the Pacific ocean, where a young Indian boy named Pi is the lone human survivor of a shipwreck. I specify human because the boat is also the refuge of a Bengal Tiger named Richard Parker. The writing is amazingly detailed. I hate to say it but it's one of those books that give you the whole range of emotions. You laugh, you get nervous, you cry and you fall in love with the character. Read it!

1 comment:

  1. To answer your first question, I always post the exact cover of the movie or book or game or whatever that I'm posting. Sometimes this means taking a shitty phone picture and uploading that (, and other times it means scouring Google image searches and Amazon image caches for way too long. The only exception is that when I'm posting a video game that's part of a video game compilation disc, I go with the individual game's original cover art (

    As far as Life of Pi goes, I read it a long time ago (2004?) and really, really liked it for all the reasons you mentioned. I saw the movie a few weeks ago and was reminded how much I liked the book; the movie does the book perfect justice, opting not to improve or change anything.
