Ok, that took less time to get to than I thought. I just read the second book of Dennis Lehane's two-parter, Darkness, Take My Hand. It seems to be the sophomore slump, because I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as the two other Lehane books I've read. For two-hundred pages Darkness is a mostly okay hunt for a serial killer that feels a bit too disjointed and doesn't flesh out characters well enough. Lehane makes up for it with a powerful ending that tied things together somewhat neatly, but the deeper themes of racism and gentrification that pervaded A Drink Before the War and Mystic River were replaced with a generic corrupt cop story. Clearly there's much more story to be mined from the Kenzie-Genarro private eye pairing, seeing as how there's four more books in the series so far, including the much lauded Gone Baby, Gone. Unfortunately book #2 just didn't live up to book #1.
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