Wow! Another year has passed and I have yet to fulfill, what I believe to be, a reasonable amount of posts. Last year I decided my resolution would be to post once per week for an entire year. This year I have decided to renew that goal but make it a little more reasonable, 50 posts in a year. This way I can do several posts in a week to make up for those weeks I don't complete anything. I have all ready given myself a jump start. I have a half dozen or so items that are nearly complete and ready to post I just have to get my act together and finish them. Starting with Skyward Sword.
I had put more than a standard work week into this game before the new year had begun and had not yet completed this game. I decided that I must be nearly done and dedicated a good portion of my day off today to this task. That being said, this is by far the longest Zelda game I have ever played. It make similar titles, such as Twilight Princess and Ocarina of Time, seem short in comparison.
Being one in a series this game was destined to rely on it's predecessors for its game play style and story line. It was up to the creators to make it more different than any other game in the series while remaining fluid to the story line and familiar to the player. In this task they succeeded.
The game added new elements such as the stamina bar that limits the amount of time Link may run before he gets tired, the upgrades to items, potions, and tools are all new additions. The designers also went so far as to redesign the type of puzzles the game uses ( you wont find many block puzzles or any light the torch puzzles in this game thank goodness). The biggest change however lies in the map itself, instead of being divided between overworld and dungeon this game blends the line between the two better than ever before. Overall I would say this is a very great game that reinvents the series in a familiar yet new way.
Some have gone as far as saying that this is the greatest Zelda game ever made. While I enjoyed it thoroughly, I would not agree with them. This game was fun, long, and challenging but it lacked the charm that the Ocarina of Time had. The world in this new game felt to unattached to the people I was supposed to be saving. I felt like I had accomplished something in the end but not that I had saved a people, the people of Hyrule or in this case Skyloft.
Solid recap. I've heard a number of different things about this game. Some have called it the greatest game of 2011 and some (well, notably one critic I respect) has called it the worst Zelda game ever. Both claims sound too extreme to be true, but I guess it's all subjective anyway. I want to get around to this game for sure, but I almost feel like since it was the last major release on the Wii, it should be put off until I finish me existing Wii backlog. In other words, strangely, I'm in no rush despite looking forward to the experience.