September 27, 2013

In Bruges

This was an impulse buy. I used it to push an order up above the $25 minimum for free shipping, so in a certain light I got it nearly for free. Still, I'm not sure it was worth it. This was a fine movie and everything, but I can't shake the notion that it was a fairly boring movie. Like, there are plenty of movies that are far shittier than this one that I can readily acknowledge I'd rather have watched last night. This was dry and dark and British, and that's all well and good, but it just didn't grab me at all.

Two Irish hitmen have fled to the town of Bruges (in Belgium) after a hit gone wrong. And while plenty else happens along the way, the movie's climax involves their boss finding them and preparing to finish them off. There were some memorable moments and witty lines, but ultimately this just wasn't a thrilling, exciting, or entertaining movie. It wasn't bad. It just wasn't fun.

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