February 7, 2014

Futurama: Volume 8

I've struggled a bit to come up with a fitting send off for Futurama, a show that has bounced in and out of production for well over a decade and provided me with a number of heartfelt episodes, some great science fiction nerd references, and plenty of stupid laughs. At first I was going to make a post about my top ten episodes of all time, but ranking them became way too cumbersome for me and I wouldn't be able to do any of them justice with annotations.

I also considered drafting up a drawn out negative rant about the decline of the show these past few years, and how nothing can stay good forever. But that felt almost unfairly charged; the show, after all, is one of my all time favorites and it deserves to be remembered for its decade-plus run of greatness more than for it eventually petering out.

And it's not like I can just describe the show and what I love (or at least once loved) about it. This is my fourth Futurama post on the blog, for one thing, and for another I doubt that there's anyone reading this who hasn't seen the show at this point.

So instead, I'll just say this. Futurama was a great show, and we're all lucky to have seen it brought back from cancelation not just once, but twice. All the same, this current cancelation should probably be the show's last. No one wants to put an old dog down, but this one just looks so damn tired, especially having cheated death twice before. At least it went out with its head held high in a classic heartstring-tugging episode.

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