June 30, 2013


I completely agree with Marissa's assessment of the middle third of this book. I skimmed it. Hard. I just didn't care. Claire's struggle to climb the mountain reminded me of Bruce Wayne's struggle to climb out of the prison in The Dark Knight Rises. Anyway, the first third of this book was very interesting because we finally got to revisit the society in which The Giver takes place. The last third of this book does a good job linking all four books together. However, this is a rather loose quadrilogy in the fact that each book is linked together far less so then in something like Harry Potter. I suspect that it was not originally intended to be a series of books, but Lowry needed to cash in. Still, these books seem to have a lot more merit to them than something like The Hunger Games. Anyway, that is it for the children's books I will be reading on my honeymoon. Overall, this quadrilogy is worth a read.

1 comment:

  1. Man, you beat me to using the phrase "children's books on your honeymoon." But I am also now oddly inspired to read these books on my own honeymoon. Anyway, enjoy it! It's humid as fuck back here.
