June 5, 2013

Sherlock: Series 2

Last post on the first series I said this show was entertaining - worth a watch if you have the time, but nothing truly incredible. I take it all back, the nothing incredible part. This show should absolutely be on your must-watch list. Following the same structure as the first series, it's still three 90-minute episodes that complete the full story arc. I feel as though both series share a similar structuring in entertainment where the first episode of the trilogy is strong, the middle a little on the weak side (at least in comparison to the series as a whole), and the closer is fucking amazing. 

Will keep this all brief. Don't want to spoil anything. You still have the great odd couple relationship with Sherlock and Watson, some baffling mysteries, and then there's Moriarty. Andrew Scott does a great job portraying this character as a true sociopath absolutely in love with Sherlock. Tired of how dull and boring the world is (how easy it is for him to defeat his enemies - which is pretty much everyone), he's infatuated with someone being smart enough to actually beat him.  And Sherlock and Moriarty's titles appropriately represent that they're dopplegangers of one another. What I mean by that is Sherlock consistently refers to himself as the world's first consulting detective and Moriarty is the world's first consulting criminal. They're basically the brains behind this whole cops & robbers game taking place on the streets of London. Seems like the show might wrap up at the end of this season (once again, not spoiling anything), but things are never as simple as they seem with this show. 

I believe production has just begun on the third series and I'm hoping they'll get the chance the air the show before the year is out. That said, get on this. After all, what else will you be watching once Game of Thrones wraps up next week?


  1. I have been trying to get people to watch this series for a while now. I am glad you liked it. The end of the third episode is mind blowing. I have been discussing with Kyle for a while now how I think it all went down. Without giving much away I think his homeless network is involved and maybe some of that gas from the earlier episode.

  2. Oh, man... That's a great guess at how he could have pulled all that off. I've been trying hard to think how this could have happened with no luck other than "Oh! He miraculously survived and didn't tell anyone." (Really trying hard not to spoil anything for those that haven't seen it, though.) What about Moriarty? What do you think his status is? I find it hard to believe the show could continue one without him...
