May 19, 2013

Batman: HUSH

Another Loeb Batman story down.

This is another must-read for anyone looking to get into the chaos of the Batman comic world. The story is fairly complicated, but to sum it up as concisely as I can, it's Batman using his detective skills to solve mystery upon mystery that involves nearly all of the regular villains who seem to be guided on a strategic rampage by some unknown mastermind. The story involves Bruce heading to Metropolis and duking it out Superman, once again. (I know I've already seen them battle it out in other stories, but it's a rivalry that never gets old. It's comics literal interpretation of man versus god... and who doesn't like rooting for the underdog in this situation?) Batman and Catwoman hook up. Lex Luthor is the president of the country. Two-Face is back with his face healed. There are even signs that Jason Todd (the Robin who died in the 80's story arc Death in the Family) might be back from the dead.  And an old childhood friend of Bruce Wayne is introduced. It's a really fun story that truly exhausts all of the resources in the DC world. 

Beyond the story, the artwork is fantastic. Not as weird as Dave McKean or as scatterbrain as Frank Miller. Jim Lee's work is where my mind immediately goes to when I think of comic book illustrations, only executed to complete perfection. 

Anyways, that's all I got. Gotten through a bunch of other story lines in The New 52 that I'll be sure to post soon. But this is definitely a fun comic buried in mysteries and loaded with cliff hangers. 

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