That's right. You're seeing things correctly. This is a Blu-ray disc. I guess they're called BDs. BD - that's so weird. This isn't a DVD. It's a BD. (Well, it actually includes both a DVD and a BD. But I watched the BD.) Folks, I own almost 500 DVDs, but this was my very first BD. But enough about the format. Let's talk about the movie. The movie is Toy Story. You have seen Toy Story. I am sure of this. You have probably seen it multiple times. I have just finished it for the fifth time. Great flick. The first ever 3D animated one. There's not a ton more to say. Are you guys excited for Toy Story 3 this summer? I am. Oh, that reminds me - this BD came with eight dollars towards a Toy Story 3 ticket. The irony? The movie itself put me back just $7.99! In fact, I bought this movie the other day in the first place merely because of that very deal. I don't even have a Blu-ray player! Fortunately, roommate and fellow Back-Blogged member Keith has a PS3. And he also bought the very same BD/DVD/ticket combo, so I'm sure he'll be posting about completing his copy quite soon. I think he's halfway done with his already. I'll stop now and let him elaborate on the movie when it's his posting time. He's already halfway done with his. And then we've both got Toy Story 2 to talk about. So yeah. I'm done here. But today was a big day for me. I'm loggin' Blu-rays now, baby.
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