I am watching basketball games in LA waiting for an 11:55 flight and probably looking forward to a sleepless night and decided now would be the perfect time to blog again! Hoorah!
So I wasn't sure how much I would be able to read this break, and I ended up not reading much and zoning out to music the majority of time to rest my brain. However, I have been working on the Gunslinger and finally finished it.
Let me start off and say that I am not usually a huge Stephen King fan. Besides The Shining, I have not enjoyed his books. Cell was just horrid, and The Green Mile was slow and I couldn't finish it. Oh wow, Steve just reminded me about The Stand. I am a super fast reader so I like to invest in books with length so I bought the extended issue of The Stand which was a whopping 1141 pages. It was long. It was slightly interesting. And most importantly, boy, was the majority of it boring. However, on a recommendation from Sweeney, I figured I would give King another chance with his Dark Tower Series.
This book started very slow for me. I like to read before bed and fell asleep after 10 or so pages every night. I had made it around 25% into the book before going on a cruise. The book centers around a Gunslinger. I did not understand some of the background information until reading up on Wikipedia because though the Gunslinger seemed like a old western dude there would be memories of trains or Hey Jude. Apparently it takes place in an alternate universe.
The Gunslinger is traveling through the desert trying to find the "man in black" who will hopefully help him find...dun dun dun... the dark tower. Like I said, the book started slow, but once I found out the Gunslingers back story and met a little boy Jake the pace quickened and I found myself wondering what was going to happen next.
I'm excited to continue on to the next chapter of the Dark Tower series. I hope the book continues to pique my interest. I have high hopes. Should I, Sweeney?
Oh hell yes. I agree, the Gunslinger was pretty slow, but once Drawing of the Three starts up it gets amazing, and then comes Waste Lands which most people agree is the peak of the series. So at least give the next one a shot, it's a better indicator of the rest of the series.