October 13, 2009

The Beatles Rock Band

On my way home from work today, I planned a few things that needed to get done tonight. Yes sir, I was going to have a full evening. About a half hour after I got home, my friend Steve (Sheridan, not my co-blogger Stan) called me up and made me throw my plans out the window- our friend Winna had purchased The Beatles Rock Band and was ready to play. I quickly headed over to her house, and six of us jumped right into the game. I didn't stray much from lead vocals most of the night, but played a few songs on guitar and drums. The controls are consistent with previous Rock Band games, with a few minor tweaks- extra microphones can be used for background singers, and drum solos to activate overdrive (Beatlemania this time around) don't exist- just a specific drum hit sets it off. The catalog is a lot smaller than previous installments of Rock Band, but considering that there's only one band here, it makes sense. I've never been that much of a Beatles fan, so I guess I never realized just how many iconic hits they had over their career- I think the number of songs I had honestly never heard of didn't exceed 6 or so, and some of these unknowns were worthy of repeat listens and plays- Don't Let Me Down and I Want You (She's So Heavy) being a couple of standouts. The overall experience The Beatles Rock Band provides is short, sure- but a quality few hours of gaming are available, even for non-fans. I probably wasn't going to purchase this on my own, but I'm glad Winna did. The game was very fun, but I don't know if I'd shell out a full 60 dollars for it. Those extra instruments also seem like a rip-off, but again, I'm not a huge fan of the band. If you are, then you've probably already bought this. If not, it's at least worth a rent.

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