March 11, 2012

Breaking Bad Season 1

Breaking Bad is a show I got in on the 'ground floor' so to speak back in 2008. I caught the premier, loved it, and tuned in for the rest of the seven episode season on AMC. It had a very cinematic feel to it, often stopping mid-episode to give some picturesque shots of suburbia and nature in New Mexico. It helped that there was some incredible acting and a gripping plot to back it up- high school chemistry teacher Walter White finds out he has lung cancer, and in a last-ditch attempt to ensure his family will be financially stable after he's gone he teams up with a small-time drug dealer to distribute the purest crystal meth in the state. He's a wiz at cooking up the product, but he quickly learns that he has no idea how the drug trade works- thus the partnership. Walter and his partner Jesse have a great dynamic and they're surrounded by a cast of deep, interesting characters. What I forgot about this season was that Walter's cancer wasn't relegated to a running b-plot that comes up during lulls in the 'crystal meth' plots, but gets about equal screen-time as well. Unfortunately I never got past that ground floor, and I stopped watching Breaking Bad before the second season started. With Netflix streaming the first three seasons I should be able to jump back into the series and hopefully find a way to watch season four before season five starts sometime this summer.

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