March 18, 2012

Uncharted: Golden Abyss

Let me begin this post by saying that I have yet to play Uncharted 3. However, based on my playing of Uncharted and Uncharted 2, this game stands up to its console brethren in every way.

This game takes place before Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and introduces you to two new characters, Dante and Marisa Chase. Dante is essentially equivalent to Sully in the previous games and Chase is the tang Drake is chasing(ha). This game definitely follows the same sort of formulaic story that the other games have followed in this series, but I don't really think that is such a bad thing. The similarities between this game and its console counterparts just add to the feeling that I am getting the Uncharted PS3 experience on a handheld.

The only bad thing I can say about this game is that they have thrown in a few gimmick controls to "take advantage" of the Vita touch screen controls (both the screen and the back of the system are touch screens). After about the third time I was walking on a beam and had to participate in a minigame in which I move the Vita back and forth to regain my balance I was pretty much ready to throw my Vita out the window. Plus, I had to rub the dirt off like thirty artifacts by rubbing the screen feverishly. Thankfully, the rest of the game is so good that I tend to forgive these stupid gimmicks.

For me, this game represents a change in handheld gaming - not a change to pick-up and go unfulfilling iPhone games, but a change to handheld games that are just as good as any games you can plany on PS3 of 360. The controls are the same, the graphics are mostly the same, the story is the same, the gameplay is the same (minus some stupid gimmick vita controls) and the satisfaction you get from playing it is the same. I can't explain to you how satisfying it is playing a game that loses nothing in translation from console to handheld. What everyone has always wanted is a handheld that plays console-level games without having to make technical sacrifices. The PS Vita is it. And Uncharted is the best example of that.

I absolutely recommend this game and the PS Vita.

1 comment:

  1. My backlog is teeming with unplayed shit, so it's not in my best interest to go out and get a new handheld right now. That said, if I did, I could easily see it being any of the following:

    -Vita (top of the line, small catalogue at the moment)
    -3DS (great first party games, but expensive and 3D seems gimmicky at best)
    -PSP (used, cheaper, all games used/cheaper by default)

    You've owned all three. Thoughts? (I Really wish Vita was backward compatible, as that would make this a no-brainer.)
