Ok, so I have done it again. I back-logged some stuff. Then I didn’t post it immediately. The monthly deadline is very important to me. The daily, clearly not so much. Also, I told Sweeney that this would be an exciting post for him way back earlier in the month. So here it goes, time to try to make Alex Cross exciting to others!
Bird People! Vampires! Bird People! Vampires! Which one will win out in the end? My vote: still vampires, but Sweeney on the other hand believes in the up and coming genre of bird people books. Let me tell you this though, way back in 2001, James Patterson knew vampires were gonna be big, so he wrote about them in his book. And guess what?! They are killers!
Our book starts with a disturbing scene. A couple jogging in San Francisco is attacked by a tiger. A trained tiger. WHAT?! Who can train a tiger?! Vampires can! There is a rag tag group of vampires biting, draining, and killing people around the globe, and our hero Alex Cross must solve the case. Not only does he have to deal with vampires, but he has to deal with (another) serial killer, named the Mastermind, who is tormenting his family. Spoiler alert: It’s one of his best buds in the FBI, Kyle Craig. And another surprise, Cross finds a budding love interest on this trip, tough girl detective Jamilla Hughes.
Well, the vampires turn out to be easy to catch (newbies), Kyle Craig not so much. Kyle Craig, seemingly always one step ahead, is going after Cross’ family and his best friends. Cross stabs him though, an all is well in Cross family land. Except Alex wants to retire.
I'm waiting for James Patterson to do a bird people-vampire crossover novel. Only then will I read any of his books.