June 4, 2011

Street Fighter IV 3D Edition

So I bought the 3DS on a whim last weekend and decided I would pick this up with it because it was the highest rated game. The problem with that is that I don't much like fighting games. I never have the patience to learn the moves so it always leads to me mashing buttons. With that being said, this is a great fighting game. I've played the console version and this is pretty much that console version now in 3D. No sacrifices were made in the character department as this game has the entire cast from its console counterpart. However, because the 3DS has a limited amount of buttons, combos are now mapped to the touch screen. The touch screen is divided into quadrants, each one being a button devoted to a powerful combo. This makes the game much easier, which I am personally okay with. This game is more about learning timing rather than learning buttom combos.

With all that being said, I am so impressed by the 3D tech that I will wholeheartedly recommend this game. It's your standard fighter, but in the palm of your hand and in 3D.


  1. Tell me... How's the 3DS? I still believe I'm feeling buyer's remorse from my DS purchase many years ago. It just never panned out the way I wanted it to... and I have this feeling that the 3D in the new console is nothing more than a cheap parlor trick.

    Am I wrong? Or should I consider this purchase? (Not that I need any more material for blog on.)

  2. The 3D is damned impressive. So impressive that it has eliminated any buyer's remorse I might have had. With that being said, the game catalog doesn't warrant the purchase price yet. Still, the fact that it can play DS games with a joystick (Mario 64 DS doesn't suck now) coupled with it's parlor trick already puts it in my eyes as the best handheld of all time. I'd consider the purchase, but if you're on the fence, just wait until something awesome comes out...because I have a great feeling that the next Mario wil show that 3D can actually make a game better and more playable rather than just making it look good.

    Also, Face Raiders might be the best thing to ever happen to video gaming.
