June 29, 2011

Four Blind Mice

Highlight! John Sampson falls in love. This big badass dude was tamed during this murder investigation

Lowlight: John Sampson was not able to save his best Vietnam buddy from Vietnam.

Lowlight Pt Deux: John Sampson almost dies. Seriously downer yo.

Awkward: Killlers are paid to frame army guys so that they will die on death row. Says wonders about the legal system.

Alex Cross is awesome: Don’t worry, he solves the case, and keeps up with former flame Jamilla.

Book of 8/17…I give you a 5/10

1 comment:

  1. Today at work we had a fire drill, and rather than go outside, I went over to an area of the building not having a fire drill. Specifically, the library. Anyway, outside the library there is a bookshelf of "take these if you want them" books that have been donated by other employees. I perused the fiction section, and man, there were some pretty slim pickings on there. But this was one of the books listed, and I almost grabbed it for you. Then I thought, nah, I'm going to lunch, and can't be burdened by carrying this old crappy book around with me. But I'm glad to see that I made the right decision, even if for the wrong reason, and I'm glad it all worked out in the end.

    Lunch, by the way, was pretty good.
