November 12, 2017

Keeping Up with the Joneses

Yeah, it's just a Saturday of mediocre background comedies for us, I guess. This one - I'd heard it was really, really not good. And, good news! It was only not good! It wasn't even bad, I'd say. Zach Galifianakis and Isla Fisher play two bored-ass suburban spouses, and then Jon Hamm and Gal Gadot move next door, and they're just these super-human people who are gorgeous and talented and, uh, international special agents! And then Zach and Isla get pulled into their latest caper, and they all win, and then the movie ends. But don't worry - at one point Isla Fisher gives Gal Gadot a big old smooch!  Like right on the mouth! Ay caramba!

Okay, yeah, maybe this was pretty bad.

But forgivably bad! Jon Hamm is, I continue to insist, obscenely underrated as a comic actor. Am I being blinded by how handsome he is? Yes, probably, sure. But still! He's funny! And so is Isla Fisher, even if she really isn't very funny here. But then, the movie only asks her to be funny for like, two scenes.

You know what this feels like? This feels like a perfect plane movie. Just something you can throw on and not really care strongly about, a pleasant but formulaic romp through some explosions and some laughs. There's a place for movies like this, really, which is why I hesitate to call it "bad" outright. But that's the best I can do, really. "Not bad, but, okay, maybe pretty bad." There are worse things in life!

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