January 28, 2015

Justified: Season 2

Well, that took two years. In my post on Season 1 back in January of 2013, I loosely described and praised Justified and admitted that I had only seen parts of that first season during its original run in 2010. As such, I was a tad unclear on the characters and long-running arcs when Season 2 came around in 2011. Fans and critics adored the show at the time, and I always just figured I'd seen too little of the first season to fully understand the second. Because, as much as I liked it, I didn't fully follow it, I must admit.

As it turns out, I just wasn't paying enough attention. There's very little Season 1 knowledge required to enjoy Season 2, and I'd have known that if I'd just tried to enjoy Season 2 without assuming I was missing something. my bad! For those who don't remember, this was the season with Margo Martindale and the Bennett family. As great as that whole arc was, the highlight for me in these thirteen episodes was a smaller arc in which Raylan's ex-wife takes some money from an evidence room and needs his help fixing everything.

This also appeared to be the season in which Boyd gets his crew up and running. Devil, Johnny, Arlo, Dewey - all of them were in the first season, but it's not until late in Season 2 where they all seem to join up with one another as Boyd's inner sanctum. I could be wrong.

Anyway, great season of a great show. And those are all the words I can muster on this one.

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