May 24, 2014

The Lincoln Lawyer

I still haven't seen Dallas Buyers Club, but Matthew McConaughey was excellent in both True Detective and his one scene in Wolf of Wall Street, so, sure, I'll buy into the McConaissance. Some people aren't doing so, however. These people tend to be those who suggest that McConaughey isn't so much suddenly turning it on as an actor as he is suddenly finding the right roles and showcasing his latent talents to a newly receptive audience. It's a career rebirth either way, but I figured I'd pay at least some heed to the anti-McConaissance crowd who'd been with the guy all along.

All of that led to me watching The Lincoln Lawyer last night, and frankly… I've got nothing. The jury's still out for me. It was a fine movie - a bit bland and boring, if anything - and McConaughey did a fine job in the title role. Honestly, I was more excited by all the actors popping up in smaller roles: Brian Cranston, Marisa Tomei, William H. Macy, and others. Legal dramas just aren't my cup of tea, I suppose. Maybe I'll give Twelve Angry Men a shot one of these days and then swear off the genre entirely if even that one can't get me going.

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