May 26, 2014

Ibb and Obb

I know Steve already posted this game, but I played it too! I keep a running list of posts I back log because I rarely actually make them. I had an itch to watch Step Up so Steve and I made a deal that we could watch it if I posted three times. Post number uno!

Ibb and Obb was super cute and super frustrating. I was the cute little pink fellow Obb. Much of the game relies on you and your partner working together to kill the bad guys and help each other into sections of the level that you wouldn't be able to get without them. For example, to kill the bad guy one person has to be on the bottom of the screen where the vulnerable part can be hit and then the other person can collect all the diamonds that pop op from the dead villian. I'm a huge fan of collecting video game currency or coins and this was no different. Very often though, one of us would run ahead and kill the bad guy but the other person was not position to get all the coins. What a disaster!

Much of the game was a puzzle. I could only get through certain doors that were pink. Steve would have to boost me on his head and jump me up to somewhere he could reach on his own accord through some other fancy door. It really was a fun truly cooperative game. We spent a lot of time looking at certain hard parts just trying to figure out what we were supposed to do. We only used the walk through 2-3 times and I was angry about it because I don't like walk throughs, but it was also 3AM and Steve was angry because I kept walking into the enemy. Ooops. I was the anti gravity bubble pro though.

Fun game!

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