October 25, 2013

Animal Crossing New Leaf 3DS

This game was hard to decide when to post. Its a game without an ending. I decided that the right time to post was when the novelty wore off. My mansion was as big as it was going to get and collecting things all day was starting to seem very pointless.

You start by being named the mayor of a town and its your responsibility to build the town. It starts off seemingly simply enough. You move into town and find out you have accidentally been named the mayor of the town. A tent is provided for you to start off in and you build both your own personal fortune and the towns as you progress. Initially you have to catch bugs and fish, collect fruit,  and find fossils to get money. You use this money to build public works projects, buy clothes for yourself, gifts and notes for your townspeople and many other things. As you hit more and more milestones you can get badges for the things you have done like catching 200 fish or returning 50 lost items to their rightful owner. The shops in town get bigger as you spend more and more Bells (money) in them. There is an island you can travel to and there you can find rare fruits, bugs and fish. There are period tournaments you can participate in to win medals, holidays with special items and shows (like the fourth of July fire works). The game even changes with the seasons. As of September first my tree's leaves started to turn brown and orange. I am sure that when December hits I will find a fresh layer of snow on the ground. Its highly addictive and I am sure that I got my full $39.99 out of this game. The beauty is that I put a beautiful town ordinance in place and I can come and go at my leisure without the fear of my town deteriorating on me ( which it would naturally do think weeds and eventually cockroaches). This game is truly addictive.

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