March 1, 2011

February 2011 Recap

Another classic up-and-down month for the Back-Blogged project left us with thirty posts - not great, not bad. We actually had eleven posts in the first five days, putting us on an initial ridiculous pace of 62 posts, an amount that would have shattered the previous record, and in the shortest month of the year no less. Instead, everyone went on some kind of logging vacation; only Sweeney and I made any posts between the  ninth and the twenty-eighth, and I alone held down the fort between the twelfth and twenty-seventh.

Personally, I posted fourteen items in February, but my inability to commit to the mission at hand - finish everything I own, and stop buying new things - left me with eleven purchases and a net result of three. Meh. Progress is progress, but that progress is slow. I have 160 books, DVDs, and games in the backlog and at a rate of three gains per month I won't be finished for four and a half years. In terms of specific goals, I went four for six, finishing both parts of Maus in addition to Firefly and Um Jammer Lammy but failing to convert on the third season of The Boondocks and, once again, Ico.

March is a long month, made longer than most 31-day months by a lack of any days off from work and an impatient desire for springtime. So March should be a good month for logging. And in keeping with March's original namesake - the Roman god of war - I'm going to play all three God of War games. Just kidding. They're coming soon enough, but this needs to be a month of... spring cleaning. And personal warfare. You see, it's inevitable when one has a large backlog to also have a large "now logging" list. But mine has grown a bit out of control. I'm currently in the middle of eight different video games, most of which I haven't picked up in over a year. I'm also in the middle - actually, at the beginning - of four different books. The cherry on top of it all is the season of The Boondocks that I'm still in the midst of. That's thirteen simultaneous projects, and frankly, thirteen is far too many. So March for me should be a month where my primary focus and attention are given to games like Infamous, Super Mario Sunshine, and - yes - Ico. I need to keep reading Closing Time and Ben-Hur instead of starting new books. I can't and shouldn't make any specific promises on the month. I suck at delivering on those anyway. Instead, I'll just make it my month's goal to do some serious work on a specific section of my backlog: the section I am already doing work on. Anyone else got anything special planned for the long and grueling month of March?

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I'm gonna keep posting specific goals even though I usually don't meet them. Anyway March for me should see Infinite Jest finished within a few days, as well as Spirit Tracks and Fallout 3 at some point in the month as well. Past that, who knows? The Situation's book can't take more than an hour, and I've got a few more games in the backlog that shouldn't take long (another Castlevania, LittleBigPlanet, Operation: Armored Liberty and Eternal Darkness). Hopefully this is a bounceback month for me in gaming, because I've only beaten 3 this year- unacceptable!
