March 28, 2011

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Harry Potter! Woo!

My mom gave Steve Harry Potter 1-6 on BluRay for Christmas. Well that was very kind and thoughtful of my mom, especially since I love Harry Potter! So since we live together now, I think I’m allowed to blog movies he hasn’t watched yet. So there! Take that! I’m watching HP, not you! I went into this undertaking thinking “this is kind of gonna suck until I get to HP4” How wrong was I! I haven’t seen the first three movies in a while, so I lulled myself into thinking they weren’t very good. HP1 was magical though. It’s Hogwarts introduction. And for that, I thank you HP 1. That’s really all I want to say for a review. It was a good and magical movie. (The acting kind of sucked though on the kids’ parts, so I am eager to see how the actors evolve over time though. Also, damn, they looked young.)


  1. I've seen Harry Potter 1 once or twice, and Wizard people 4 or 5 or 6 times. For that reason, I think I'd be very confused and frustrated with Harry Potter 1, sans Brad Neely audio. Also, you're not drunk on NYE, and so I see no reason to forego a picture here.
