Thirty-nine minutes to midnight and counting...
Last post of the year and here's what I have to say. It's great. In complete contrast to what I had to say about Halo: Reach, this game strives where the other fails. Excellent gameplay. Exciting story. This game does one thing and does it well: throws you right in the middle of action movie. I'm not going to say it's anything original. That it is not just trying to capitalize on the same perks as the previous games - action and violence. It just pumps up the volume every time without changing it's attitude, claiming to be more than it is. I believe Halo could have been successful if it wasn't for that melodramatic, self-indulgent storyline that bored the shit out of me resulting in a loss of attention and a complete...
Stan! Let go of Marissa that looks like it hur... Not the "BOSTON CRAB"!!!
Wait, ok. Back to the game. C.O.D.B.P. (ha, just made it up - MY INVENTION!) just allows you to loose yourself in a testosterone-fulled, adrenaline-laced thrill ride. You spend 9 hours blowing Commi's up, what's not to love? It's just...
STAN! Put your damn pants on! Dear christ...
That's it I can't say anymore. I'll just leave you all to ponder this:
Or this...
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