August 5, 2009

I meant to post this 4 entries ago

Indeed, faithful readers, of which there are none, Stan is not alone in his quest to complete things- I, Sweeney, am joining him on this. The origins of this task are found a few months ago, way back in February. While bored and looking at forums, I stumbled upon a site known as the backloggery, in which one can log all the games they've owned/played, and whether or not they have been beaten. After messing around with the site for a day or so, I got bored and forgot about it until Stan mentioned how he needed something to waste a day with back in June. I showed him the site, we got several friends to join in, and all was good.

Until yesterday, that is, when Stan realized that we both had books and DVDs to backlog as well- this couldn't be done on the backloggery, a site specifically for games! Thus, our task of finishing all we had has expanded from just games, and has birthed this blog. While I'll still be using the other sites as a real backlog/booklog for now, this can be a spot where Stan and I post reviews of whatever we've completed.

A few differences between Stan's and my backlog-

Stan's video game backlog is significantly larger than mine. I plan on being able to finish all my current games by some point in the fall- I think I have 17 more games, many of which are halfway/almost done. Of course, I'll be adding to it whenever it gets a little low.

I really don't have any Booklog whatsoever- the books on my shelf at home are almost entirely read. While I will need to finish the few that remain, I'll mostly be picking up random ones from the bookstore or library.

As far as the movielog goes, I don't have much of that either- a few that need watching, but nowhere near the monumental task Stan has. But, my brother recently got netflix with his XBox, so I'll probably be reviewing a lot of the free streaming movies they have.

So there you have it. While I have completed nothing so far in August (end of July had so many finishes, but I won't be logging them), I think I'll be logging something as early as tonight. The back-blogged journey begins...

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