October 13, 2014

Call of Duty: Black Ops II

I initially purchased this game as a multiplayer game to play with Andrew. That lasted a few weeks, but my backlog has felt those two weeks for going on two years. I finally used Columbus Day as an excuse to put this bad boy out of its misery. I admit it - I was pleasantly surprised. I don't really enjoy Call of Duty multiplayer, but the gameplay really works well within the confines of the campaign. I imagine they use the same basic formula in all of their games. Lots of cutscenes, lots of explosions. It plays like an action movie and it feels large in scope despite the fact that when you are playing, you are really limited to a small area of the map. The combat is fun and the story was surprisingly fulfilling. They give you a choice or two per level which alters the story. Some have little impact, while others drastically alter the course of the game. I played the way I thought a solider would play (following orders, not doing the things I actually wanted to do) and I wasn't necessarily rewarded. Still, it was fun to see my choices make any impact at all. I enjoyed myself with this game. Just be warned - there's a scene after the credits that can really take away all the emotional impact the story tried to achieve.

1 comment:

  1. I have always enjoyed the single player aspect of Call of Duty. Your experiences with this game align with how I've felt about so many others in the franchise. If you liked this, consider the Modern Warfare trilogy as well as the first Black Ops game. Skip the first three games (Call of Duty 1-3) unless you're just way into World War II, and even then, just play World at War.

    Your post has inspired me to bang this one out soon for myself.
