September 11, 2014


Intrusion 2 was part of a bundle of games I bought on Steam at some point, and after looking into it I found out that the first game of the series was available to play for free online, so here I am playing Intrusion for series completion's sake, and logging it even though it's just a browser game. And honestly, I didn't like it much. It played a lot like Capsized, a game that I trashed in my review of it, but really I think side-scrolling shooters that have to be played with a keyboard just aren't for me. A bullet-hell game where I barely feel in control of my character is just not something I'm interested in playing in for very long, so like an asshole I just blatantly cheated. I found another site that would let me play the game but a few extra key-presses would give me extra guns, ammo, and lives, making the whole thing much faster even if all of the challenge was gone. I knew early on that this just wouldn't be a game I'd enjoy, so I made a judgement call. Okay? Let's move on.

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