September 20, 2014

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: Season 9

Somewhere in the middle of Season 9, Always Sunny aired its hundredth episode. That's crazy! Lots of shows get to 100 episodes, but how many basic cable sitcoms do so? And even more so, who would have ever thought, watching the first season of Always Sunny in all its understated, low-budget, DeVito-free glory, that it would still be on the air ten years and a hundred episodes later? The show has had its ups and downs - pretty tough to go this long and never falter, really - but it's been remarkably consistent, all things considered. And this season - Season 9 - was actually one of the most consistently good seasons I can recall for a number of years. There's no need to rehash it on an episode by episode basis, but there were a few gems and no duds in this collection.

Actually, I can't think of another comedy that lasted for a hundred episodes whose floor is higher than Always Sunny's. I guess I'd have to allow Parks and Recreation, but that show's first season was pretty rough around the edges, and plenty of people just hated it. Granted, plenty of people aren't impressed by Always Sunny, either. I dunno, guys. Chime in. I'm not asking for the highest highs here, but what hundred-plus-episode sitcom, at its worst, has been better than Always Sunny? This is a matter of taste, obviously, but I'm curious to hear your thoughts all the same.

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