September 19, 2011


The hardest part about this game was simply unlocking it. Flicky, a 1980s arcade game from Sega, was a bonus inclusion on my Sonic Mega Collection compilation. To unlock it, I needed to "play" four different games thirty times each, which simply meant loading from the main menu - and then quitting back to the main menu - 120 different times. Each time probably only took about ten seconds, but still. Tedium, no? Fortunately, the game itself, which could have been all kinds of tedious, wasn't. The premise is simple enough. You're a bird. There are baby birds. There is a hungry cat. Run, jump, and attack, one very small level at a time, until you've rescued all the baby birds. Repeat the process a lot. The end. This YouTube video of the first few levels sums up the entire experience very neatly and simply. I don't have much to add about Flicky. It was brief and mildly enjoyable, but it was certainly nothing I'd have ever gone out of my way to play were it not included on this Sonic Mega Collection. Regardless, I'm one step - a very small one, no doubt - closer to emptying out that backlog of video games. And no matter how small the step itself was, it puts me at 59 games remaining. Still plenty, sure, but the first time I've dipped under the sixty mark in at least a year and a half. Like a dieter who slips under a certain threshold, I never want to be on the "wrong" side of 60 games remaining ever again.

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