Ah, G.I. Joe. Only my most favorite action movie evah. Complete with Eiffel Tower eating nano mites, invisibility suits, and shark boats, this movie is great. At least in my opinion. Which apparently is the minority. Yes, this movie is absolutely RIDICULOUS. In every sense of the word. Probably more so than my last movie review, Wanted. However, I found it thoroughly entertaining and funny. Enough with an opinion though! The real crux of this movie boils down to this: bad girl hot versus girl next door hot.
Enter Rachel Nichols as Scarlett. Your typical girl next door hot. Oh, and she’s brilliant and can fight. The complete package basically. She graduate college when she was 12 and considers everything very scientifically. Thus, she doesn’t get love. Anywho, she’s damn good looking. (Bad news: I couldn't find any G.I. Joe pictures of her looking all adorable, so I used this one of her being bad ass)
Opposite her enters Sienna Miller as Ana. Your typical slutty beauty. A bit more rough around the edges, but still good looking. Ana was girl next door hot girl and was going to marry out super star Duke until he let her nerdy brother die during a war. She has changed and is now working for the dark side. (Side note: She did not change voluntarily. Her brother was actually alive and injected nanomites into her head thus being able to control her. Yea.) Anywho, for her transition to the dark side she trades in her blond hair and dresses for black hair and skin tight suits. She now oozes sex.
Who wins in this battle of hot girl? Who would you prefer?
Guess what? Looking for pictures, I found another blog post! And someone stole my gimick again! Jerks! Anywho, this person has a lot of might seductive pictures of both of them for your comparison. I don't think you should look at work.
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