So, this is the third and final book of the Millenium trilogy.
Spoiler Alert!
We leave our main character “the girl” recovering in a hospital after almost being killed by her father, the woman trafficker. Michael Blomkvist, after saving Lisbeth, finds himself caught up in a murder investigation. Basically, the entire book he spends trying to defend Lisbeth’s honor by clearing her name. In the process, he undercovers some pretty hefty government secrets revolving around “the sector”.
End Spoiler Alert!
Overall, I think this book was the second best of the three. The first book took to long to get going for my liking. The second book was great and full of action and plot. This book is a weird combination. It’s more of a courtroom mystery. (I made up that term; it may not make sense.) The book basically centers around Michael Blomkvist’s own investigation. There is not much action. He does a bit of sleuthing. And Lisbeth is a fairly non existent character in terms of plot development until towards the end of the book. It was slow but interesting because you have invested a lot into the characters already. The second and third book really could make up one mega book, and the author does a good job concluding the story.
Like me. The end.
Side Note! So, as I was looking for the picture for this I stumble upon another blog where a guy reviews books. How about that! Anyways, I read his review, and surprise, surprise it is very similar to mine. However, I liked this quote
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