April 12, 2014

24: Season 5

Sarin gas and an evil US president. Day 5. Let's get to it.

This is likely my favorite season thus far. (To be fair, watching the show in rapid fire is making it a little difficult to differentiate season from season. Still...) Right away we start things off with a bang. Jack is in hiding after faking his death last season until all four people who know this secret become the target of assassination plot. With his friends in danger, Jack returns to LA to save the day. 

This season had some really shocking and heartbreaking moments. I mean, Palmer gets assassinated almost immediately (and, thus, begins Dennis Haysbert career with Allstate), we see Chloe fend for her life in the field once again (is it weird I'm developing a bit of a crush on her?), and  Edgar -- oh, poor, sweet, sweet Edgar -- just doesn't make it. I mean... that whole scene where the nerve gas is released into CTU is just captivating television, and it ultimately resolves when Samwise gives his life to turn on the air vent system to clear out the poisonous gas. This season also puts a big spotlight on who is quite possibly my favorite character so far in the series: Charles Logan. At first you believe he's just this whiny coward who, despite accidentally falling ass-backwards into the presidential position, really doesn't belong there. Then, BOOM, you learn he's this fucking maniacal madman consumed with his own legacy. Also, we finally give our favorite member of the secret service, Aaron Pierce, some decent screen time and, ultimately, the best line in the show so far:

"There is nothing that you have said or done that is acceptable to me in the least. You're a traitor to your country and a disgrace to your office. And it's my duty to see that you're brought to justice. Is there anything else... Charles?"

Well... I didn't finish the series before it was taken away from Netflix, but a big thanks to the 'rents for owning all the DVDs. Season six should be done shortly. 

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