July 14, 2013

Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon

I'll get it out of the way. This game is incredible. It's just so damn fun. If you have a 3DS, get it. It's head and shoulders above the first entry into the series. It's about 3 times as long and 100 times as varied (not surprising as the first was a Gamecube launch title). It takes the simple concept of Luigi sucking ghosts into a vacuum and makes it anything but. The boss battles (for the most part) are inspired, the settings are amazing and the puzzles are challenging enough to be fun without being so challenging that you want to rip your hair out.  This game took me about 16 hours to beat and I enjoyed every second of it. I made a point to not use a strategy guide on this so some of you might be able to take it out in a few hours less. But for those of you who have to 100% games, you might be looking at twice as long. As every level has a Boo that is hidden and must be captured and every mansion has 16 gemstones to find, there's a lot to go back and do. So don't fear that the game is too short to warrant a purchase.

Anyway, though few, there are some complaints I have. For one, I'm not sure the game needed to be structured with levels. Each of the five mansions has around five levels. But, there doesn't seem to be any reason to separate the mansions into levels other than to give the professor a reason to bring you back to his lab and tell a lame joke. I would have preferred there just being five mansions that you could peruse at your own pace. The content of the mansions would not have to change at all, you just wouldn't have to be pulled out so often. Also, this game is pretty easy other than the second to last level, which is incredibly hard. Still, once I finally beat the last level, it was very satisfying.

Overall, this is easily in my top 3 as far as 3DS games go (which is saying a lot) and I think it's as good of an argument as any for Trevor to get a 3DS.


  1. This is near the top of my list of games to grab as soon as they dip below thirty bucks or so. Also on that list are New Super Mario Bros. 2 and Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward. Any other suggestions?

  2. I feel like you've played all the games that I've played and enjoyed. Mario Tennis Open is simple fun. I wouldn't spend a lot of money on it, but it's still fun.
