April 12, 2013

Sonic the Hedgehog 3

It's been three and a half years (wow!) since I played through the first two Sonic the Hedgehog games. When I took a break before returning to the series, I figured I'd eventually want to do so. But here I was, three and a half years later, still not really feeling the urge to play more Sonic the Hedgehog. I suppose there's a very limited appeal to the era of 16-bit platforming. Anyway, I learned my lesson with those two Mega Man compilations: better to just grit your teeth and knock off a ton of games in a row than let a compilation grow entrenched in one's backlog. And while there were something like fifteen or more Mega Man games for me to play through, I've got only Sonic & Knuckles and Sonic 3D Blast remaining on this Sonic Mega Collection compilation. Well, and Ristar, but that's something completely different. I think. Regardless, I'm left without much else to say about Sonic the Hedgehog 3, as it was a game I played purely out of backlog duty and not whatsoever out of desire. Maybe I can bang out another game or two this long weekend. Time will tell.

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