March 25, 2013


Why I bought it: Radomsky introduced me to this movie in 2004. When I saw that it came out on blu-ray with the great "digibook" packaging, I had to have it.

Thoughts: This movie is 205 minutes. Just think about that. 3 hours and 25 minutes! It's so long, but I was on the edge of my seat the entire time I saw it (for the second time!). It helped that I watched it in Dallas hours after going to the book depository and walking through the sixth floor JFK Assassination museum. Staring out the window through which Oswald supposedly shot the President was truly memorable and I knew I had to watch this movie again. Tim, Heather and Danielle had not seen it before so it was only fitting. This movie takes a bunch of facts about the case and fills in the blanks and creates a specific explanation for the assassination. Is it accruate? Almost assuredly not. But it does mix in enough facts to get you to question what really happened. Oliver Stone is criticized for movies like this, but damn if it's not entertaining. I defy anyone to watch this movie and then not immediately spends a few hours googling the assassination. I'm a sucker for conspiracies and damn if this isn't the best movie about a conspiracy ever made. Still, this movie is awesome because of it's subject matter. I'm not sure how much credit should be given to Oliver Stone and company and how much should just be given to the true events. Anyway, the cast is amazing and I really like Kevin Costner as Jim Garrison. If you haven't seen this movie, do yourself a favor and see it. I swear the 3+ hours won't feel that damn long.

Should I have bought it: Besides the fact that I bought it and then didn't watch it for four years, yes.

1 comment:

  1. That's some solid road-bloggin'. Shows real character.

    I have this movie in my backlog and I am equally intrigued and apprehensive about the 3-hour-plus run time.

    How did you like Dallas? Assume Tim will never read this and just let loose. I liked the rodeo, the JFK museum, the Cowboys game, and the copious amounts of fast food.
