April 25, 2012

War of the Worlds

I started this movie at 12AM last night and watched it straight through. Anyone that knows me knows that this is quite the accomplishment. I routinely fall asleep during movies that I start at 5PM. I can only think back to one other movie that has kept my attention enough to keep me awake in the wee hours of the morning. That movie is The Prestige and it's one of my top 5 movies of all time. 

War of the Worlds has been panned by many for its ending, but I don't think there is a better movie out there based on an alien invasion. There are just so many memorable scenes, from Tom Cruise and his son playing catch, one with a Red Sox hat and the other a Yankees, to Tom Cruise, caked in human debris, running through the streets as people are disintegrated around him to Tom Cruise telling Dakota Fanning to keep her eyes on him (shielding her from the Airplane that had crashed through their house), to a crazy mob literally ripping through the windshield of the family van, to Tim Robbins potraying a crazy Bostonian convinced he is part of the "resistance" and everything in between. If you haven't seen this movie before, make sure you do.

I had seen this movie before, and it stayed with me for days. This time is no different. I just keep thinking about Tom Cruise and his family and how I would react in a similar situation. It somehow reached me on a level that science fiction movies usually don't. I don't know if that is a testament to Cruise's acting, the story, Steven Spielberg's directing (probably), or what. 

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